Sunday, September 16, 2007


こんにちは。。。私はアリエラです。どうぞよろしく!いま、私はたくさんしゅくだいがあります。それから、とてもかなしいです。:'( あにめのナルトをみたい。[ Youtube だいすき <3 ]




Unknown said...

かなしいですか... :( but I hope Japanese class makes you happy~

アリエラ said...


Dana Kien said...


I'm glad we have the same feelings about class!
As you've noticed, due to my strange formality, I am not used to blogging, or for that matter, any form of communication via internet, so I greatly appreciate your advice and will try to loosen up! Arigato gozaimasu!!!

I guess you could say I have a deep appreciation for things deemed old, and thus love typewritters, as well as prefer the simple use of pen and paper as opposed to Microsoft Word. However, as a result, I am at times utterly inept when using advanced technology. Also, I'm an art history major ( watashi no senko-wa bijutsushi ), which may shed some light on my appreciation for old gadgets and antiquities. I study both Eastern and Western art, however, as of right now I am doing my senior thesis on Japanese art, and thus my reasoning for taking Japanese this year.

I noticed from your blog that you work at a lab?How do you like it? and what kind of science lab is it? Also, not to bombard you with questions, but how did you get interested in science and Japanese? You had also mentioned once in class that you visited Japan this past summer. Did you study there? And, do you want to go back? I went there for about two weeks this past summer and loved it!

Ja mata,

Unknown said...


アリエラ said...
